Sustaining and increasing investments in the malaria fight will help accelerate efforts to end this preventable disease. Funds are used to increase distribution of life-saving bed nets and anti-malarial treatments, strengthen health systems critical to diagnosing and treating malaria early, and develop new tools to finish the fight.

Donor Governments
The U.S., U.K., Japan, Australia, and others provide financial and technical assistance to help countries burdened with malaria advance their efforts to eliminate the disease. These commitments represent one of the best investments in global health and foreign aid.
Key Donor Institutions
In addition to direct assistance, donor countries have pooled funding in multilateral institutions and directed it to the global malaria fight. The largest funder of malaria control and elimination is the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. The World Bank also has been a key funder of malaria programs.

Private Sector and Philanthropic Funders
High-net-worth individuals, corporations, and foundations also contribute to the fight against malaria, from small-scale community and workplace programs to multi-million-dollar research portfolios and contributions to the Global Fund.