If you are struggling to find the perfect costume in the leadup to Halloween, perhaps it’s worth considering dressing up as the world’s scariest animal: the mosquito.
Did you know?
- Mosquitoes are considered the most dangerous creatures on the planet, responsible for more human deaths each year than sharks, snakes, bears and lions combined.
- Mosquitoes carry devastating diseases – such as malaria, which kills more than 600,000 people every year.
- Mosquitoes are blood-sucking critters that transmit disease from human to human or from animal to human.
- During peak breeding seasons, mosquitoes outnumber every other animal on Earth, except termites and ants.
- And scariest of all, malaria-carrying mosquitoes migrating to new latitudes and altitudes due to climate change and demographic growth could put more than 5 billion people at risk of malaria by 2040 (Washington Post)
Check this out: NPR published a DIY guide to making the world’s deadliest Halloween costume:
How to Dress Up as a Mosquito for Halloween
In less than an hour, we made a mosquito costume, using supplies from a drugstore. A pair of large sunglasses stand in for big bug eyes. Two pipe cleaners affixed to a headband are the antennae. We bought pre-made Halloween fairy wings, then spray-painted them black. For the mosquito's beak, we rolled up a piece of black paper 2 feet by 3 feet and used elastic thread to attach it to the head. The final touch: an oversize sweatshirt — red for all the blood this mosquito's been drinking — with skin patterns created by black electrical tape. We hope you don't get swatted!
Courtesy: NPR